
Session handling

Scalatra has session handling built into the framework by default. There are no modules or traits that you need to include.

Sessions are off until the session method is called. Once session is called, a cookie-based session will be created.

Then you will be able to use the default cookie based session handler in your application:

get("/") {
  if(session.contains("counter")) session("counter") = 0
  session("counter") = session("counter").toInt + 1
  "You've hit this page %s times!" format session("counter").toInt

The session implicitly implements scala.collection.mutable.Map backed by session attributes.

There’s also a sessionOption method, which returns a session if one already exists, and None if it doesn’t. This is a good way to avoid creating a session. If you don’t need a session in your application, e.g. if you’re building out a stateless RESTFul API, never call the session method, and don’t mix in FlashMapSupport (which also creates a session).

The default session in Scalatra is cookie-based, but the cookie is used only as a session identifier (session data is stored server-side). If you are building out a shared-nothing architecture, this is something to be aware of.

{% include _under_construction.html %}